Sponsor A Cargo Shipment
The “Cargo Cube”
Help us provide equipment and supplies to our facilities and to the communities that we serve by sponsoring a cargo shipment. Through our partnerships, PROSAMI is able to effectively procure, deliver, and distribute medical and non-medical supplies to mothers, their children, and health care staff providing care to these communities.
Types of Supplies
PROSAMI procures medical and non-medical equipment and supplies for mothers and infants in rural Democratic Republic of Congo, from general medical equipment to specialized obstetric and surgical equipment to baby bottles and blankets.
How It Works
PROSAMI’s “Cargo Cube” is a 10 x 10 x 10 package that is delivered through our partners on a transatlantic ship and then distributed in smaller parcels via cargo air flights or trucks to the Pilot Center and other maternal and infant medical centers in rural DRC.